Keeping abreast of your workload as an EPA assessor can be challenging, particularly if you rely on different platforms to manage your day-to-day tasks. Without a single, centralised platform that assimilates your varying duties and responsibilities, it’s easy to make mistakes, such as missing an appointment or overlooking a forthcoming assessment activity, leading to disruption and inconvenience for you and your customers.

EPA software eliminates many of the problems of trying to manage a complex assessment workload by providing you with all the tools and information you need on a single convenient platform. At Skilltech Solutions, we have developed epaPro to meet the demands of End-Point Assessment, with innovative functions, such as Microsoft integration, designed to simplify the process, improve usability, and eradicate avoidable errors.
How can EPA assessors benefit from epaPro’s Microsoft integrations?
Improved Navigation
Integration with Microsoft applications significantly improves your ability to navigate between applications, thereby improving usability, reducing user time, and ensuring that all the information you need is readily available, whenever required.
Track All Users’ Progress
Microsoft integration software ensures you can quickly connect with invaluable apps such as Microsoft Calendar, giving you instant access to users’ calendars to see when they have meetings and assessments. With a deeper insight into users’ availability, you can keep track of their progress and real-time position in the assessment process, and schedule important events to ensure that you stay on-track with deadlines.
Expand Your Reach
epaPro works seamlessly with Microsoft Teams to enable assessors and apprentices to stay in touch remotely. With assessments carried out and stored safely in the Cloud, all stakeholders have instant access to the information whenever they need, while supporting evidence and files can be easily shared to underpin and inform the assessment process. Better collaboration and communication results in more incisive and informed judgements, thereby adding greater credibility to assessments.
Integrations That Expand The Power Of The Platform
epaPro isn’t limited solely to Microsoft integrations. By integrating with a range of APIs and third-party applications, our EPA software ensures that all the tools you need are available in a single dedicated location, for maximum efficiency and simplicity. EPA Pro seamlessly integrates with:
❖ Google Maps
❖ Zoom
❖ Aptem Apprentice
❖ ProctorU
❖ Surpass
❖ Email
Contact Skilltech Solutions To Find Out More
If you would like to find out more about our cutting-edge software solution for EPA assessors, EPA Pro, please contact us today to arrange a free, no-obligation product demonstration.
Image Source: Unsplash