Skilltech Solutions is looking to show the world its innovative software and End-Point Assessment solutions at the FAB Conference. Taking place in October, the Skilltech team has plenty of goodies to give away during the two-day conference in Leicester.
Why Is Skilltech Attending?
Here at Skilltech, we're exhibiting at the conference as we believe that there are a lot of companies and organisations that can yet benefit from better assessment management tools. Recruitment is one of the most important parts of running a business, as having the right people around amplifies the potential of any business plan. Better assessment management means a better understanding of candidates and better staff training in the future.
The FAB conference is the premier event for awarding organisations. Skilltech is excited to share our latest developments to epaPRO which help to streamline EPA processes and offers innovative visibility and efficiency. With many features such as high-quality integrations, forecasting and fully configurable gateway management, we believe that epaPRO is the best solution for EPAOs. Come and talk to us to see how epaPRO can help your business.
What Are The Conference's Themes?
As well as the exhibition, the conference themes this year are:
• Gaining a more practical understanding of the changing world or assessment and its contribution to equity, diversity and inclusivity.
• Understanding the challenges of diversity and participation in the workplace, and how to improve these issues.
• Implementing practical EDI strategies in your day-to-day work to create a more open workplace.
Each of these aspects is a necessity in the modern working environment. The FAB Conference seeks to provide a deeper level of understanding of all of these issues through a well-structured timetable and a carefully considered group of exhibitions and special guests.
When Will Our Team Be There?
The Skilltech Solutions team is at the conference Thursday and Friday showcasing our industry-leading management tool epaPRO. Whether you are attending one or both days, you'll be able to talk about epaPRO with our team and have time to spare to check out all of the interesting talks by the invited expert speakers.
Image Source : FAB Conference